Category Archives: confidence

Do YOUR labels define you?

I’m not talking about whether it’s Topshop or Balmain I’m talking about the labels you give yourself, I’m a procrastinator, I’m unorganized, I’m not confident.

Ask yourself this, are you’re self labels allowing you to get away with things?  So “I haven’t done that job on my to do list” and although it doesn’t feel great, but you know what “I’m a procrastinator” so that’s why I didn’t get it done.  Stop letting yourself of the hook, you’re doing yourself no favours and you will continue in the same cycle.

If you are going to label yourself, start now today by saying the opposite, so for example replace procrastinator with “I am proactive” say it over and over again, and keep telling yourself that. Repetition is key even if you feel resistance push through it, you will soon feel the change internally; it will shift your perspective to a proactive approach.

Self-talk is powerful beyond belief; feed yourself something positive, that will nurture you and move your forward not let you off the hook.

Have a great day


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Filed under accountable, achieve, ask yourself, attitude, authenticity, awareness, change, coaching, commitment, confidence, Create, dedicate time, do it, Empower, energy, jane dring, Make time, manage your time, motivate, procrastinate, self talk, self love, Uncategorized, visualise

Current Self, Future Self

Yesterday at the gym I noticed whom I call my squat partner, we’ve helped each other out when the other was flagging a few times. I asked how she was doing and she replied, “I’ve got 40 to go but I’m knackered”, I said “ok I’ll join you so we can both blitz it”.

Mid squat she told me her current self was fighting her future self; I liked the sound of this so I asked her what she meant. Her current self was saying “you’ve done enough, you don’t need to do another 40, go home”, however her future self was saying “you know you’re going to feel better for doing the extra 40 and you’re going to be pissed with yourself if you don’t.” I like this.

So instead of having that voice of doubt that pipes up every so often questioning if you have got what it takes to do what you want to do and maybe stopping you from going ahead. How about listening to your future self and hearing “I bet you’re glad you done that”.

Happy Sunday


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Filed under achieve, attitude, Belief, change, choice, coaching, commitment, confidence, do it, Empower, Make time

YOU Are In Control



Genius, this has got to be my favorite quote.  The reason being, it shows the power of the mind.

Our daughter was born on Friday the 13th this for me signifies an amazing day.  Apparently walking over a block of 3 drains on the pavement is bad luck, I was so over avoiding them, I decided that it was good luck so now I traipse over them with a smile on my face.

My point being, whatever you see in a situation it will be, if you think it’s shit then I’m pretty sure it will be if you see it as a positive challenge then that’s what it will be.

You are in control of your thoughts, if they are stopping you from doing something in your life that will ultimately benefit you, make you happier then it’s you and only you that can make that decision to face that fear and change it.

How about this week taking a negative thought or fear that you have and turning it on it’s head, go on give it a go and enjoy the feeling of freedom.

J x

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Filed under accountable, achieve, attitude, awareness, Belief, confidence, do it, Empower, Limiting, motivate, Nail it, ownership, Passion, realistic, self esteem

Are You Going To Go First?

I love Seth Godin and I wanted to share these words from him.  I’ve added the link to his blog  below too, enjoy.

Who goes first?

Initiating a project, a blog, a wikipedia article, a family journey–these are things that don’t come naturally to many people. The challenge is in initiating something even when you’re not putatively in charge. Not enough people believe they are capable of productive initiative.

At the same time, almost all people believe they are capable of editing, giving feedback or merely criticizing.

So finding people to fix your typos is easy.

I don’t think the shortage of artists has much to do with the innate ability to create or initiate. I think it has to do with believing that it’s possible and acceptable for you to do it. We’ve only had these particular doors open wide for a decade or so, and most people have been brainwashed into believing that their job is to copyedit the world, not to design it.

That used to be your job. It’s not, not anymore. You go first.

Seth Godin

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Filed under accountable, achieve, ask yourself, attitude, authenticity, change, choice, commitment, confidence, Create, daydreams, dedicate time, do it, Empower

So True

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen events, meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come their way.

I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!”

W.H. Murray

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Filed under attitude, Belief, commitment, committed, confidence, Create, daydreams, dedicate time, do it, Goethe, grow, Make time, self love, W.H. Murray

Commit and Make It Happen

You know those daydreams that you have where you’re doing what you really want to do; your mind just runs free.

Those perfect fitting jeans that you designed are in all the best accounts, or you’ve finally opened that teahouse on the coast selling those cakes you’ve been practice baking for ages, maybe you’re doing that shoot you’ve always wanted to do or you see your graphics trotting down the catwalk at London fashion week or your window installation in Liberty’s is beaming proudly as thousands of people walk past everyday.  You know those ones right.

Remember those daydreams again, remember the feeling you have, you’re so in the moment you can feel it, you’re actually doing it.  That feeling is just ace isn’t it.   And that daydream comes and goes, might be a while since you’ve had it or maybe you see it each day, bigger and brighter than ever.

Well I’ve got some brilliant news for you, now you’ve visualised what you want, you’ve already created it, so deep down you know it’s possible and even more important deep down you know you are more than capable.  So, what’s holding you back.

I’m going to do what the *English supposedly don’t do, I’m going to talk about myself in a positive manner, gasp I know, it’s shocking isn’t it.  Me, me, me, erm did I tell you about me!?

For the past eight months I’ve been doing a lot of voluntary work, coaching people whom are unemployed.  We’ve been working on building their confidence, goal setting and working towards gaining employment.  The reason I’ve been doing this is because I believe in it 150%, I love it and there is a massive need for this support to local communities.  From this voluntary work my new business partner Andy Bater and I have set up a CIC (Community Interest Company, a not for profit organisation)

We set this up with a lot of love, belief and enthusiasm for what we are doing, oh and £35 to register it.  We are meeting amazing people and building new relationships weekly, it’s been an organic growth and it is growing stronger day by day.

My point is, if you believe in what you want to do, commit to it, move towards it one step at a time and you will make it happen.

Take the first step, feed your passion and the rest will follow

Big love


*My parents are Irish so I can get away with it.

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Filed under achieve, achieved, attitude, Belief, choice, coaching, commitment, committed, community, confidence, Create, creative, daydreams, Empower, english, grow, happen, Inspire, jane dring, look, Make time, me, motivate, Nail it, ownership, Passion, Plan, results, seejobgroup, Uncategorized, visualise, volunteer, work

Give yourself some credit

When was the last time you congratulated yourself on how far you’ve come in your career?

Think back to where you were in your career five years ago, and now look where you are.  Look at the experience you have gained, think about how much you have grown.  Think about the things that you’ve accomplished that five years ago you would have nervously laughed at the thought of even attempting to do.  It’s amazing.

Give yourself a brake from self-criticism and take time out to admire how good you are and how far you have come.

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Filed under attitude, awareness, confidence, congratulate, energy, Inspire, life is good, motivate, realistic, recognition, results, self love, take a break, take for granted, Uncategorized, work

A different approach to New Year Resolutions/Goals

In the past I’d write out my New Year resolutions at the start of every January, I usually commit to them around the 6th, that’s more realistic for me.  If I’ve been out for NYE, I’m not going to be eating a super food lunch of sprouted beans and tofu on the  1st; it’s just not going to happen.

So yesterday after listening and speaking to Neelam Meetcha a very dear friend and fellow coach, I put fingertips to keypad and took a different approach to my New Year resolutions/goals.  I wrote in letter form, I addressed it to my friend Jo dated January 1st 2013 telling her all about what I and people closest to me had achieved in 2012.

I included everything from family member goals, countries B & myself visited, subjects I studied and passed (top marks of course), personal goals achieved, health changes, energy wasting thoughts I banished.  There were all sorts in the letter.  It felt amazing.

Just so I’m clear, I’ll give you an *example (keep it true to you, as you would write)

Hey love

I wanted to drop you a line about 2012 and what an awesome year it was.  

So in Jan we set up the new company, I cannot believe how much I’ve learnt in the past year, I’m absolutely loving it.  Come April B & me travelled the coast of Ireland on motorbikes it was amazing.  After wanting to do it for so long, I finally did it.  What an amazing place.

I also took up yoga and am still going three times a week.  I got my diploma in sports science, absolutely stoked; I’m now working on how I want to use that moving forward.

We also extended the kitchen, its super light and airy and I finally got that table made that I’ve wanted for years, it fits perfectly!  Etc, etc

Because I let my mind loose and wrote in the past tense, it just flowed.  There were so many things in the letter that I wouldn’t have thought of if I just had pen and pad in hand and listed my goals.  It takes you on a journey, you can visualise yourself doing all these things that you really want to happen this year.  I love it.

I mailed my letter to a friend; you can do the same or print it out, pop it in an envelope and put it away until January 1st 2013.  Make sure you put a note in your diary to read it, I bet you’ll be chuffed to bits with what you’ve achieved by January of next year.

I found it really inspiring I hope you do too, and remember as I said on Wednesday, break each goal down in to achieveable, manageable tasks.

Have a great morning/afternoon/evening


*This is just an example, I don’t want to study sports science.


Filed under 2012, 2013, achieve, achieved, Belief, confidence, Empower, Inspire, life, motivate, Neelam Meetcha, ownership, past tense, resolutions, results, visualise

Are you enduring your life or making it happen?

“You are not committed to a single course you can change course, you can create and recreate your life” (Sir Ken Robinson)

Thanks for taking your time


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Filed under accountable, achieve, Belief, change, confidence, Empower, life, Limiting, ownership, results, Sir Ken Robinson, work

What is your attitude?


This Martini ad says it all.  If you want something, make it happen.

Have a great day


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Filed under achieve, Belief, change, confidence, Empower, grow, Limiting, ownership, results, self esteem, work