Category Archives: life

It’s all up to you

We can often put things on hold because of someone else, unknown to ourselves we can get tangled up in a web of ‘well if they change things would be better’, ‘I’d do more’, you know the stuff you’ve really been wanting to do for ages, it’s them that holds you back, damn them when are they going to change. I’ve come to tell you, they may never change, it’s not about them changing, it’s about you taking control. It’s about you taking control and creating that change that needs to happen. If you’re waiting for someone to change, it may never happen because they may be perfectly content or even far too lazy to do anything about it. Don’t put things on hold anymore, take control of your life and make things happen.

Your life is up to you.

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Filed under change, Create, life

Take 5.04 and Listen To This

As I was driving home from an appointment today, this was played on Radio 2.  I liked it a lot and wanted to share it, take 5 minutes and 4 seconds in your day to have a listen, you deserve it

x J




Filed under accountable, achieve, ask yourself, attitude, Belief, change, Create, Dancing, daydreams, dedicate time, do it, grow, Inspire, life, listen, look, Make time, meant to be, self love


I received some tickets to an event in London this past weekend.  It was called The Fuck It Weekend and it’s ran by a lovely couple called John and Gaia. It was great, we sat on the floor all weekend whilst chatting, dancing and doing both mind and physical exercise.

I wanted to share one exercise with you that we did that I really liked.  It’s really simple and you can get really fast results from it.

The Exercise:

  • Make a list of what you love to do
  • Make a list of what you don’t like doing
  • Make a list of what you used to love doing
  • Make a list of what you think you’d love to do


  • Start doing more of what you love
  • Start doing less of what you don’t like
  • Think about why you’re not doing what you use to love doing
  • Start finding out more about what you’d think you’d love to do

Fuck it and do more of what you love!

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Filed under 2013, accountable, achieve, ask yourself, attitude, balance, Belief, choice, committed, Create, creativity, dedicate time, do it, Empower, energy, grow, happen, Inspire, life, Make time, motivate, results, self esteem, To Do List, visualise, weekend

How Do You React To Life?

Every Sunday I go and visit an old lady up the road from me, just for an hour, her name is Bernadine and she is 87.

When I went last Sunday she was really down, upon my arrival her words were “I just want to die”, nice greeting I thought. And so we sat there for a good 20 minutes and I listened to how much she wanted to die, she really wanted to die on Sunday, it’s because she can’t do everything that she used to be able to do.

I asked her if she wanted a dance, that’s what we do most Sundays is have a little waltz around her living room, she loves dancing, it always puts a massive smile on her face.  She declined my offer; if she didn’t want to dance I knew she was feeling pretty rubbish, she’s never not wanted to dance.

So I just listened some more as she then talked about how she was scared because she didn’t know what would happen to her when she does die, even though she really wanted to die, bless her she was just all round upset on Sunday.  I said I’m sure you’ll be fine; you can hang out with your mates and your three husbands that unfortunately she lost over time when she was younger in life.

She was still upset, I said, “maybe you’ll come back as a cat”, she said, “I don’t really like cats”, I said, “The Queen, you’ll come back as the next Queen” Bernadine loves The Queen.

She looked up at me and said “wouldn’t that be lovely” then with a big smile on her face she said  “Shall we have a little dance”, so we did, around her living room as we do, most Sundays.

“Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it”.  Charles Swindoll


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Filed under ask yourself, attitude, awareness, charles swindoll, choice, Create, Dancing, daydreams, Death, do it, Empower, energy, Fear, life, listen, The Queen, Time

A Little You

I was in the park the other day with my mate and her little poppet and I was watching this group of kids on the round about.  There was one girl, no more than six and I was just mesmerized by her lack of fear.  She was flying around this thing, then she started climbing all over it whilst five other kids where pushing it as fast as possible.  She had that concentration tongue, you know when it sticks out she was totally focused and determined.

Then she starts hanging off the edge, head first absolutely loving it, not one bit concerned that her mini Barbour jacket was getting all sorts of crap all over it.  She then jumps off, runs over to the slide, climbs the stairs and runs down the slide really fast.  At this point I’m doing my nervous twitch that I do when I think kids are gonna fall flat on their face and really hurt themselves.  I think she had rubber soles on too, which made it worse as they were occasionally sticking to the slide.

It got me thinking,  for many people when we were young and we were trying new things we had no fear, we just wanted to discover. If you wanted to know about something you’d ask, if you wanted to do something new you’d totally get involved and try it out.  If you had an opinion on something, there was no softening the blow it was just said how you saw it.  It’s how we learn and grow.

As we get older we don’t always ask the questions in fear of looking silly, we don’t always chase our dreams and ambitions incase of failure.  Sometimes we even ignore the most amazing gift ever, our gut feeling, even when it’s bouncing with excitement and adrenalin telling us to go for it and to do what we really want to do, because deep down we know it’s what we’re meant to be doing.  Instead it’s easier to stick with the “safe” and sometimes negative voice that sits on our shoulder and we don’t move forward and achieve what deep down we know we can achieve.

If there’s something that you really want to do, a goal you want to achieve, what would a little you do?

J Xx

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Filed under achieve, adrenalin, attitude, Barbour, Belief, commitment, dedicate time, do it, Empower, grow, gut feeling, happen, Inspire, life, Make time, manage your time, meant to be, motivate, Nail it, ownership, Passion, Plan, results, visualise

The 3 A’s of Awesome

I like this so I wanted to share it with you, it made me smile.  Neil Pasricha, what a nice bloke!

The 3 A’s of Awesome




Do you swirl and twirl in gloom and doom or grieve and then face the future with newly sober eyes?

You always have a choice.

Thanks for watching



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Filed under 2012, attitude, authenticity, awareness, Belief, change, choice, community, life, life is good, look, Neil Pasricha, ownership, surround, take for granted, The 3 A's of Awesome

A different approach to New Year Resolutions/Goals

In the past I’d write out my New Year resolutions at the start of every January, I usually commit to them around the 6th, that’s more realistic for me.  If I’ve been out for NYE, I’m not going to be eating a super food lunch of sprouted beans and tofu on the  1st; it’s just not going to happen.

So yesterday after listening and speaking to Neelam Meetcha a very dear friend and fellow coach, I put fingertips to keypad and took a different approach to my New Year resolutions/goals.  I wrote in letter form, I addressed it to my friend Jo dated January 1st 2013 telling her all about what I and people closest to me had achieved in 2012.

I included everything from family member goals, countries B & myself visited, subjects I studied and passed (top marks of course), personal goals achieved, health changes, energy wasting thoughts I banished.  There were all sorts in the letter.  It felt amazing.

Just so I’m clear, I’ll give you an *example (keep it true to you, as you would write)

Hey love

I wanted to drop you a line about 2012 and what an awesome year it was.  

So in Jan we set up the new company, I cannot believe how much I’ve learnt in the past year, I’m absolutely loving it.  Come April B & me travelled the coast of Ireland on motorbikes it was amazing.  After wanting to do it for so long, I finally did it.  What an amazing place.

I also took up yoga and am still going three times a week.  I got my diploma in sports science, absolutely stoked; I’m now working on how I want to use that moving forward.

We also extended the kitchen, its super light and airy and I finally got that table made that I’ve wanted for years, it fits perfectly!  Etc, etc

Because I let my mind loose and wrote in the past tense, it just flowed.  There were so many things in the letter that I wouldn’t have thought of if I just had pen and pad in hand and listed my goals.  It takes you on a journey, you can visualise yourself doing all these things that you really want to happen this year.  I love it.

I mailed my letter to a friend; you can do the same or print it out, pop it in an envelope and put it away until January 1st 2013.  Make sure you put a note in your diary to read it, I bet you’ll be chuffed to bits with what you’ve achieved by January of next year.

I found it really inspiring I hope you do too, and remember as I said on Wednesday, break each goal down in to achieveable, manageable tasks.

Have a great morning/afternoon/evening


*This is just an example, I don’t want to study sports science.


Filed under 2012, 2013, achieve, achieved, Belief, confidence, Empower, Inspire, life, motivate, Neelam Meetcha, ownership, past tense, resolutions, results, visualise

New Year, let’s be realistic.

It’s the New Year so lets put loads of pressure on ourselves to commit to some New Year resolutions.  Erm, what about no.

It’s a bit mad really isn’t it, nice relaxing Christmas and then Bam, loads of pressure.  New year means new company, new job, new body, new house, new me.

I believe in starting as you mean to go on, so whatever it is you want to achieve be realistic.

It’s like eating a Terrys chocolate orange, you’re not going to shove it all in your mouth at once.  If you did, you’d probably choke, be sick and never touch another.  So instead you look at it, bang it in to segments and eat them one at a time.

When you’ve had enough, you wrap it up and put it away until the next day.  Then you go back and have another piece, before you know it, it’s all done.  Goal accomplished, the difference is, you broke it down, digested it and enjoyed it.

If you have a goal you want to achieve, set realistic daily and weekly tasks towards it.  By doing so it makes your overall goal more manageable, enjoyable and realistic to achieve.

You’ll be on to your next goal before you know it.

Here’s to your best year yet

Jane x

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Filed under 2012, achieve, balance, change, Empower, life, realistic, resolutions, results, segment, Terrys chocolate orange

What will you do for you in 2012?

What did you have on your personal to do list in 2011 that was going to make you happier, more balanced, that bit more relaxed.  Do you remember?

Now, if you’re doing it, brilliant, keep it up.  If you didn’t get round to doing it, what were the reasons.

Were you too busy running after business, too busy doing that other project that just had to be done (when realistically someone else could have done it), too busy running the family home after work.  Generally too busy giving to everybody & everything else, aside from you?

Whatever the reason, the year is nearly done so we can’t change that, however what we can do is focus on 2012.  So let’s do just that.

Firstly, are you committed to making a change, if yes read on, if no still read on!

What are you going to do to give yourself a more balanced life, make yourself happier, ensure you have more you time in 2012.

Will you delegate to your team, leave work on time or focus on getting into shape, what’s your goal?

The brilliant news is, you just need to make one change and it will have a positive effect on other areas of your life.

Let’s take the examples I just mentioned, when you do delegate, you can leave work on time, which makes time for exercise.  Simple!

Write down what you want to achieve.  Go on.

Now, what do you need to do to ensure you can set about achieving your goals successfully.  For e.g. do you need to plan what to delegate the day before or even better (if it works for you) plan the whole week ahead, the delegation plan!

Whatever is going to make it easier for you to achieve your you time, write it down.  Now.

We need to be realistic about your goals, things will come up from time to time, that’s life, life does not run in a straight line. So, what are the possible obstacles or distractions that may arise.  Write them down and next to them write how you will overcome them.  For e.g. make sure you leave work an hour early the next day.

Now make a note in your diary when you will take your first action.  Tell somebody who will hold you accountable, that way they can keep an eye on you and ensure your doing what you set out to do.  If you want to mail me your start date, I’m more than happy to check that your keeping on track.

Congrats, you’re on your way to making more you time and having a healthier Work/Life balance!

If you have any questions on the above, drop me a line, I’d love to hear from you

Thanks for reading


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Filed under 2012, accountable, achieve, balance, change, delegate, grow, life, ownership, results, work

Are you enduring your life or making it happen?

“You are not committed to a single course you can change course, you can create and recreate your life” (Sir Ken Robinson)

Thanks for taking your time


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Filed under accountable, achieve, Belief, change, confidence, Empower, life, Limiting, ownership, results, Sir Ken Robinson, work