Tag Archives: dreams

Are you doing what you really want to do?

If you are doing what you really want to do, congratulations keep going.  If not, what is it that is stopping you from taking that first step, is it a limiting belief?

What is a limiting belief?

A limiting belief is a belief that is stopping you from moving forward and achieving your goals.  It can be anything that is stopping you, from “What if my designs don’t sell”,  “I don’t have enough time” to “I’m rubbish at presenting, I can’t pitch”, you get the idea.  Therefore limiting you from moving forward and achieving your goal, your dream.

How do they come about?

As we grow up we’re exposed to peoples opinions.  *Parents, friends, teachers, colleagues, relations they all have an opinion, they love a bit of input don’t they.

“What? You want to make clothes or sing for a living, you must be mad.  You need to find a proper job” or maybe “It’s tough out there now, you shouldn’t be starting your own company” I mean how annoying is that when you’re doing something you love and you’re good at it.

The sad thing is if you hear that regularly over a period of time, insecurity can set in and you can start to doubt yourself.  “Well actually, can I make money, will it work, and maybe I should get a safe, proper job” (whatever one of them is)

Right, let’s turn this around

What limiting beliefs do you have that are holding you back from doing what you really want to do?  Write them down.

Now next to it/them write a list of reasons that makes this belief real for you, why do you believe it, what makes this true for you.

So it might look like this:

Limiting belief = I can’t start my own company

What makes it real for you = Clients might not buy my work

Now let’s turn this around, write down the opposite of what is making it real for you. E.g.

What makes it real for you = Clients might not buy my work

Replace with = Clients are buying my work.  (Make it personal to you “my work is selling out” “Clients are loving and buying my work”)

Repeat this over and over until you feel it make a shift.  Remember you may have had this limiting belief for years, so you might need to repeat this exercise again and again.  Say it slow and give it some oomph; reading it in a flat monotone voice isn’t really going to help you, you need to believe it, feel it.

Feel positive and run with it

I’m not even a designer and saying that ten times in a row gives me a feeling of confidence.  This is because it’s positive, positivity feeds positivity.

Notice how you feel when you read the opposite to what you originally said.  You get that calm air of confidence, you start to think in a much more positive, I can do manner.  You’re putting yourself into a positive mindset.  Remember to focus on what you do want and not, what you don’t want.  This is key.

Now is the time to take that first step towards your dream goal.  Go on!

If you’re nervous or not sure where to start I would love to work with you to bring your goals and dream alive, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  You can mail me at Jane@janedringcoachingcreatives.com or call me for a chat to find out more on +44 (0) 7906 258 633

*I’m aware that not all Parents, friends, teachers, colleagues, relations etc love a bit of input, just some of them!

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Filed under balance, Belief, change, Empower, grow, Limiting, ownership, Uncategorized, work